Gentle Care for Little Ones

Nurturing growth with a whole body approach.

Osteopathy is gentle hands-on therapy tailored specifically to the individual. It is not a series of the same techniques repeated similarly on every person. We work differently than others because we understand intimately how external stresses and injuries affect a person's whole body.

In babies, their skull plates, facial bones, and jaws are connected by ligaments and muscles to their neck bones and throat tissues. Birth can cause injuries and impose tightness in these areas from the compressive forces of delivery. We treat the restricted areas to induce a natural relaxation where baby needs it most. Then, organ systems and healing processes work better, supporting baby's growth and development. You will notice increased general comfort, less crying, improvement in sleep patterns, better feeding, digestion, and pooping.

In older babies, toddlers and children, it is important to incorporate an understanding of their growth and development. They are not small adults! Age-appropriate care is given to your child, maximizing the benefit of the osteopathic treatment. Delayed milestones, poor motor skills, ear infections, sleep apnea and snoring, injuries from falls or sports, headaches, and constipation can all be alleviated.

Baby & Child Osteopathy

Birth can cause injury/body tightness that can upset babies in many ways; poor joint mobility, poor muscle function, digestive upset. Health issues can translate through development, sometimes delaying motor, sensory, or other milestones. These remain problematic in young kids as well.
Unexplained crying, latching/feeding problems, poor mobility of limbs, excessive arching of the back and neck, digestive reflux (and more!) can relate to uncomfortable joints and tight muscles. You will be amazed by how calm and happy your baby will be. Your child’s development is of utmost importance. Prevention is key.

Joanne Lynne

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Best For Baby Health Inc.

170 Highway 20 West, Unit 6
Fonthill, ON
L0S 1E5


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